What does the ‘respect’ value in Scrum refer to ?

The ‘respect’ value of Scrum is having respect for the Scrum team member’s diverse backgrounds, experiences, and range of skills that enables them to effectively solve complex problems in creative ways. It also refers to showing respect for all opinions and perspectives to ensure everyone within the team has the opportunity to be heard.  When the team feels that they have been heard, it is possible to fully support team decisions.

What elements in the Scrum framework helps promote ‘respect’ ?

The Scrum framework promotes respect for each role and accountabilities by promoting the entire Scrum Team attend the various Sprint events such as – Sprint Planning, the Sprint Review, and the Sprint Retrospective.

The Scrum framework promotes respect for the Scrum team’s experiences, skills, and ideas by ensuring the team is cross-functional, which means as a whole it has all of the skills necessary to deliver a usable product Increment.

The Scrum framework promotes respect for our stakeholders by only reviewing a product Increment in a Sprint Review that meets the Definition of Done. This also brings in transparency to the Scrum team’s true progress.

What does the ‘openness’ value in Scrum refer to ?

‘Openness’ enables Scrum team members to ask for help and allows them to offer help to each other. It also refers to the team being open to the progress they’ve made and admitting they are wrong and change direction.

What elements in the Scrum framework helps promote ‘openness’ ?

During Sprint Retrospective the team members are encouraged to share with the team feedback, reflection, and ideas to change how they work openly.

The Sprint Review demonstrates openness to sharing progress with the external and internal stakeholders, as well as openness to feedback and collaboration with them.

A transparent Product Backlog demonstrates openness with the stakeholders about what value is planned for the product (and what is not planned) and what is likely to be the next features the team will work on.